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Monday, 22. January 2024

Mopolauta back in business at 14:18 UTC by Abula

Technical report:

Moposite server was upgraded to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (in 2024-01-17) which introduced MySQL version 8.0 which uses "groups" as a reserved word which is a table name in phpBB which made the conflict and broke the board.

Fix was: add a prefix to table names, eg. `phpbb_groups`.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 0

Wednesday, 17. January 2024

Mopolauta out of service at 11:29 UTC by Abula

Mopolauta out of service atm because of an server upgrade.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 0

Sunday, 27. February 2022

Players and Cheating pages hidden at 17:39 UTC by Abula

I hid Players and Cheating pages for privacy reasons (GDPR). As far as I know the pages didn't have significant value anymore anyway so not a big issue I assume.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 1

Monday, 20. July 2020

Mopolauta emails fixed at 14:58 UTC by Abula

Mopolauta emails have not been working for a while preventing registeration of new users and subscribing topics etc. Big thanks to Ville_J to report the critical error!

Category: Administration  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 0

Saturday, 17. December 2016

New section: Go Elsewhere at 11:12 UTC by Abula

We want to highlight the greatest current Elma links because Moposite isn't too active anymore and because some oldschool players who visit our site don't always have time to read all the old Mopolauta posts etc.

Feel free to suggest other ones too: Mopolauta

Ps. The pink design is meant to get attention, of course.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 4

Sunday, 9. January 2011

Paprika is ready! at 15:13 UTC by Abula

This is not a joke. We have been working with Kopaka (praise him!) to finally finish Paprika and now we are ready to go. Everything is not ready but we have moved data from old Moposite to Paprika and got new Records system running. Thereby we were also finally able to remove the "temporary" entry page of Moposite. And from this day Paprika can be called Moposite again! Paprika was only a project name of the new Moposite.

So Records section is updated and running. You can go and upload your state.dat. Notice that our system doesn't update the times immediately but once in a week, on every Sunday. WR times are also in the dynamic system but you still have to send the replay file to px that he can verify the time. The system is new and probably full of bugs so please help us to fix them by reporting about the problems in Mopolauta. We are going to merge times from EOL later. Please also check that your team history is correct and if not, report in the Mopolauta topic. Also join your current team if you are not already so the stats will be generated correctly.

Be sure to check out the Seasonal records of 2011.

Besides Records many pages were created very quickly so they contain lots of HTML errors and also data is often out-of-date. We will continue fixing them one-by-one later. But you can of course drop a word in Mopolauta if you think we have missed something.

In addition we dropped some sections out which we thought were low priority and which realistically won't be ever updated anyway: Internal levels contents (those "touch a wall, then drive around the middle blaa blaa"), Multi contests, average times (pretty much because of database limitations) and Moposite in different languages.

The next things to do, after all the found bugs in Records are fixed, will be uploading Stuff material to the site, add EOL to Games section, add some new features to Records and go through the pages one-by-one. Those will take months I guess but after that we will start developing the other sections (Downloads, Contests, Community) of the site.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 12

Thursday, 15. May 2008

New Mopolauta at 23:03 UTC by Abula

We just installed a new phpBB software for Mopolauta. It has million new features which I'm not aware of either. At least you can upload attachments to the posts. Well, why not list here all new cool things you found? :P The moderator/admin panels are much more effective now so be careful!

Category: Administration  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 8

Saturday, 26. January 2008

Server change at 9:53 UTC by Abula

As some people have noticed we are maintaining the system. We have bought own server so Moposite should be much more faster from now on. We are still fixing the errors (Community not working at least) so be patient. I'll inform more later.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 1

Wednesday, 22. August 2007

Teams section at 11:48 UTC by Abula

Finally we got the Teams opened officially. Some people had already found it but there were bugs which should be fixed now. Of course please report if you found more.

FAQ descripes quite well how to join / quit / create / edit teams. Now the team admins (how can edit team info and accept / recect new members) are set to those who were last been online players of the teams when we made the admin list. Admin priviledges can be changed and you should contact us in matter of that.

It's very recommended to write some general information and history events to your team profile, FM could be an example. In addition it's possible to edit your own team history which will be very important when new Records section will be up (old WR teams should be already ok though). To do that you should post to Mopolauta to notice us.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 7

Wednesday, 27. June 2007

New page: Playing at 1:46 UTC by Abula

After five (!!) years working the Playing page is finally ready! Ok, it's not anything very special but still quite a nice packet of levels and replays. Playing page is an attempt to list all different kind of tricks and bike controlling types. It was a very ambitious project but I think we have succeed quite well. Multi-playing, IRL playing, Belma playing have own tactics and they are missing but maybe in one day...

First we called it as Moposchool and mainly me and BarTek were developing it. Also Rigger and ciph were around with their ideas. Later when Paprika was released I wanted to have a page for playing like there are for designing levels, cheating etc. Moposchool was a good start and we started to convert it to the new format. zebra entered the project when BarTek was becoming inactive. Also Luther and axxu have helped us quite much. The levels were tested by my mother (totally amateur), my ex-roommate (ok player, Carju) and MP who is a world class professional so all the skill levels were presented. Thanks to all people who were making this happen.

Briefly the idea of the consept is to go through the different levels and to beat Target times to be sure you handle the trick or controlling type. You can use the replays and the texts as help. Dream times are there for more challenging playing. We don't host any competition yet. First you might want to beat the all Easy level and then Medium etc.

If you think something is missing don't hesitate to drop a line. Maybe even make a level or replay for us? Also the Skill levels can be argued. Is some level easy eventhough we marked it as hard? The general information texts are still missing and we appreciate help in that.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 13

Saturday, 17. March 2007

WRs #259 at 22:29 UTC by px

New WR on Warm Up by Zweq. The time is 14,00. Shall we after all see 13,xx?

WR table

Category: Administration  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 28

Monday, 20. November 2006

Nations at 13:28 UTC by Abula

Finally Nations pages are launched.

The system is built that users will be able to create contents themselves: general text, history events, links and a section to have some text in own language. That's because admins don't have time to write texts for each nations and of course we don't know too much about all the nations.

So if you think you could write texts for your country please contact us. You can drop a line in this news item comments. More info in FAQ.

The system doesn't support back-upping (too much work to code right now) and therefore you are expected to copy back-ups of the texts to Mopolauta. An example: Finnish. I try to write stuff to Finnish pages so you get a better idea of the concept. It's a bit wiki-style. People can discuss in the topic and improve the contents. But only the nation-admins can edit the page.

History events might contain information about the first WRs, meetings and other big happenings regarding the nation.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 5

Tuesday, 11. July 2006

Comment watch at 20:12 UTC by Abula

Viper_KillerGuy coded the comment watch and we implemented it to the system. You can start watching comments in certain news, player gallery pictures or identities. When more places for comments are coded they will be added to this watch.

The comment watch is automatically enabled for your own Identity and Gallery pictures (you can disable them). The comment watch is managed through links under Functions in the right column in certain pages.

Receiving a comment makes a drop-down-menu box visible in Panel in the left column (the place where you see your nickname in yellow).

Please share your thoughts, report bugs and start writing comments to people :).

Category: Administration  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 3

Monday, 10. July 2006

IRC pages at 16:19 UTC by Abula

I've uploaded the new IRC page. Lots of new text, logs, stats and pictures there.

We also need some help to get more truthful statistics.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 2

Golden Apple Awards pages at 12:06 UTC by Abula

With a great help of SveinR I've created the GAA pages, at last. You find them under Community. Special thanks to skint0r for offering web space for FEM05 videos (there's one from the GAA05 gala). As usually please report all errors and improvement suggestions.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 4

Tuesday, 27. June 2006

New kuski gallery at 20:41 UTC by Abula

Although we are not calling it kuski gallery anymore. Just generic Players.

All the old accounts with comments and default pictures are converted so go ahead to edit them or even add new ones.

Main links:
Some good shortcuts to know (try them): your nick in the left column (yellow), Panel link in the left column.

New features:
Upcoming features:
  • Player search
  • Comment watch
  • Old nicknames
  • Relations
  • Teams
  • Nations
  • Cities
There are many errors left. At least people have weird cities, ages, birth dates and stories. We will try to fix most of them later but you could try to fix yours. And request your friends to fix theirs as well.

We have also added Argentina as new country and removed Miranda. Anything else needed?

Please report bugs, ask questions and suggest improvement here in comments or in Mopolauta feedback forum.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 8

Friday, 24. March 2006

Paprika release at 18:50 UTC by Abula

After two years and 2000 hours (ok, I didn't count) and here we are. Paprika is up and running. Some people have known about it, some might have guessed something's going on, others might have not.

Paprika is the code name for the latest version of Moposite, its coding was started in the summer of 2004, while Abula was still in the army. At the moment, Paprika isn't even near to being complete, but we were still able to publish it now (user managing is working quite well and the basic structure to build on is there). This news will only cover a few of the more important things and the full, more detailed, list will be published at a later time.

  • Elasto Mania 1.2 is released
  • News section is totally renewed, it's much easier to use for news writers but it also supports comments, categories, filters and priorities - which will be explained thoroughly later on
  • Panel: log in by using your Kuski gallery account information, you can edit some settings; if you have forgotten your password you must wait a bit; we will start the user managing in a few days time
  • New main page for first-time visitors (it's only shown for visitors who are not logged in so click Remember me if you want to enter the News page directly instead of Main page when surfing to Moposite)
  • Knowledge is a new main section, quite alot new material there
  • Information section is fully updated
  • The layout is tweaked and links are a bit more clever - eventhough they might be a bit confusing at first
  • Administration has been made better and easier
For the time being, there aren't too many obvious changes around here, if you compare it to the two years it's taken us to get to this point. That's because we had to design and code the basics very carefully to make developing of the site easier in the future. New sections and features will be introduced as they are completed. The next major change will be to give a facelift to Kuski gallery and other community pages. That will include a much nicer user managing both for admins and visitors.

Bug reports are more than welcome.

People who have been or still are a part of this project:
Abula and Viper_KillerGuy - both have put alot of time and effort into the coding and obviously Abula being the leader of the whole project; Sathy - the editor, feedback; Zebra - Designing section; BarTek - Welcome pictures; skint0r - code support, feedback; SveinR, px, Tisk and Luther some minor tasks.

Drop a comment (right-bottom corner) or keep on discussing on Mopolauta.

Category: Administration  |  Priority: High  |  Comments: 8


This website (Moposite) has been in hibernation since c. 2006.

Still active parts:

  1. WR table
  2. Across WR table
  3. Special levels NEW
  4. Mopolauta forum
  5. Archive ACTIVE
  6. Total times (HOT)
  7. History (research)


  1. Speedrun (34:21,73) NEW (54/54 WR)
  2. Elma Online (EOL)
  3. Across WR statistics
  4. Official website
  5. Discord chat and #across (IRCnet)


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