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News comments

Monday, 2. August 2004

After army at 13:54 UTC by Abula

Whepy! Army is over and I'm relaxed. FEM04 passed (report and pictures will be updated later, krychek and terb0: I'm waiting for your pictures).

Because I have tons of emails and I want to update Records I had to make a new email address where you can send your state.dats. The instructions are same as always (be sure you know them [told on Records page]) and the address is records at moposite bDOTb com. If you have any bugs in your state.dat (Hooked for example) please tell about them in the email and your state.dat will be fixed. Later we will update all the old state.dats too but for now only the ones which will be sent to the new email correctly before 9th August 2004.

Level of month competition is frozen in this year. New themes will be up in year 2005. Because all the deadlines of last year's levels got messed up I give you two months more to participate to year 2003 competition. You can design Bounces, Legos, Viruses, Fire, Cheating and Vandalism theme levels and send them in. The deadline of all these is 31th September 2004. Yes, you got it. You can design even six levels and send them in at the same time.

All the other updates later. I have maybe 20000 mails in my inbox so it will take a while to update or even answer to your questions. About all the bugs on Moposite please inform us in Mopolauta. I've been so inactive the last year that can't remember / know all the broken parts of the site. So far I know that replays are offline and Kuski gallery is bugging.

Category: Old  |  Priority: Medium

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Time: 9:43 UTC

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