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Wednesday, 5. April 2006

122nd mopobattle coming at 20:29 UTC by zebra

There will be the 122nd mopobattle in IRCnet on #mopobattle tomorrow (Thursday) at 22.00 EEST (look at Moposite's clock in the left column).

Note that mopobattles are meant for everybody, not just for Finnish people. Especially I would like to see #battle people there. Read rules.

The level is by jallax, and is kinda easy.

Please comment whether I should advertise every mopobattle here, or is it enough that the dates can be seen here.

Mopobattles are usually on Thursdays, but in next week it will be on Wednesday.

Category: Contests -> Mopobattles  |  Priority: Medium  |  Comments: 2


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